Discover Blue Gold

Blue Gold is a chemical venture focusing on self-cleaning technology based on nano-technology .

Our main products include LOOY, the world's No. 1 selling anti-fog glasses cleaner with over 7 million units sold worldwide, wet-free umbrellas , and anti-fog and anti-smudge agents for glass and mirrors.

Blue Gold’s vision is to make customers' daily lives more convenient and cleaner through unique chemical technologies such as super water hydrophobic and super hydrophilic nanotechnology.

Core Value

Chemistry is like us.

Blue Gold uses super hydrophilic, super hydrophobic nanotechnology to create products that make everyday life easier.

Products that make everyday life easier.

A chemical formula where different things come together to create entirely new reactions.

What are the materials that makeup Blue Gold?


Names that recognize the value of nature

Blue Gold is a name that recognizes that water is as valuable as gold, just as oil is called black gold.

Blue Gold's ultra-hydrophilic, ultra-repellent technology modifies the water's contact angle to create a self-cleaning feature.

This technology, which stays clean and crystal clear, reduces the need for 42% less detergent and 25% less water.

Blue Gold is a name that expresses our belief in the value of water and our skill in handling it.


Technology Recipe - Your everyday life is the ingredient.

Blue Gold's slogan reflects the heart of Blue Gold, which observes and studies the lives of consumers with a loving eye

and explores the lives of consumers.

The inconveniences and needs that users feel daily become the ingredients for Blue Gold to develop.

Who We Are

When we're sincere, what we do is simple.

The straightforward approach we follow is to observe, innovate, and adapt.

From product planning to technical research to product production, Blue Gold maintains control.